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Type: Articles
Published: 2013-03-04
Page range: 526–540
Abstract views: 80
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The Oriental genus Nasimyia (Diptera: Stratiomyidae): Geographical distribution, key to species and descriptions of three new species

Guizhou Academy of Forestry, Guiyang 550005, P.R. China
Department of Food and Agriculture, Plant Pest Diagnostics Branch, 3294 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95832, USA
The Provincial Key Laboratory for Agricultural Pest Management of Mountainous Region; Institute of Entomology, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, P. R. China
Department of Entomology, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian 271018, China
Diptera Distribution maps key Pachygastrinae new species Oriental region


In this paper, three new species of Nasimyia Yang & Yang, 2010, N. eurytarsa sp. nov., N. rozkosnyi sp. nov. and N. elongoverpa sp. nov. from the Oriental region are described and illustrated; N. nigripennis Yang & Yang, 2010 is found to be a junior synonym of N. megacephala Yang & Yang, 2010 (syn. nov.). Chelonomima signata de Meijere 1924 is combined as Pseudomeristomerinx signata (de Meijere, 1924) comb. nov.. Keys to the Oriental genera of Pachygasterinae with elongate abdomens and the species of Nasimyia are provided, as well as distribution maps of the four species of Nasimyia.


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