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Type: Articles
Published: 2013-03-08
Page range: 579–588
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Three new bathyal raphitomine gastropods (Mollusca: Conoidea) from the Indo-Pacific region

Via dei Musei 17, 25121 Brescia, Italy
Department of Biology, Geology and Environmental sciences (BiGeA), via Selmi 3, 40126 Bologna, Italy
Mollusca Conoidea Raphitomidae new species Red Sea Gulf of Aden Philippines


Three new species of Conoidea are described from Red Sea, Gulf of Adenand Philippines. Awheaturris lozoueti sp. nov., from Philippines, is the first representative in the recent Indo-Pacific molluscan fauna of a hitherto Miocene fossil genus. Taranis adenensis sp. nov., from Gulf of Aden, is the first species certainly referable to genus Taranis Jeffreys, 1870 reported in the Gulf of Aden and the smallest described member of this genus in the Indo-Pacific region. Mioawateria vivens sp. nov. represents the first member of the genus Mioawateria Vella, 1954 reported in the Red Sea. The status of Mioawateria is discussed and photographs of its type species, Awateria (Mioawateria) personata Powell, 1942, from the Pliocene of New Zealand, are presented for the first time.


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