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Type: Articles
Published: 2013-03-19
Page range: 191–197
Abstract views: 83
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A new species of Nemipterus (Pisces: Nemipteridae) from the Western Indian Ocean

Museum & Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, PO Box 4646, Darwin NT 0801, Australia
South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, P/Bag 1015, Grahamstown 6140, Republic of South Africa
Fish Nemipteridae Nemipterus flavomandibularis new species Western Indian Ocean


A new species of threadfin bream, Nemipterus flavomandibularis, from the Western Indian Ocean is described and figured. The new species appears most closely related to N. bipunctatus (Valenciennes), but differs principally in colour pattern: N. flavomandibularis is distinct from N. bipunctatus in having two yellow bands on the snout, the upper lip narrowly edged with yellow; and lower lip and chin beneath lip yellow, this colour extending as a narrow band posteriorly to lower margin of opercle. Also, in N. flavomandibularus the scale rows below the lateral line are more or less horizontal (versus distinctly ascending anteriorly in N. bipunctatus), and the maxillary reaches to between level of posterior nostril and anterior margin of eye (versus reaching to below the anterior half of the eye in N. bipunctatus).


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