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Type: Article
Published: 2019-08-28
Page range: 271–308
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The reclassification of Sophiodela and other tiger beetles (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae) based on the structure of the everted internal sac of the male genitalia

Kurayoshi, 111-8, Kamogawa-town, Tottori, 682-0923 Japan
Matsuyama, 6-5-8, Hakusuidai, Ehime, 791-0113 Japan
Wakayama, 6-1-2 Takajyomachi, Wakayama, 640-8135 Japan
everted internal sac cladistics molecular phylogeny taxonomy Sophiodela stat. nov. new combinations Cicindelidae Coleoptera


All members of Sophiodela Nakane 1955, hitherto a subgenus of Cicindela Linnaeus, 1758, are reviewed based on the structure of the everted internal sac of the male genitalia. In addition, many species of other genera and subgenera such as the genera Cosmodela Rivalier, 1961, Calochroa Hope, 1838, and Cicindela and its subgenus Pancallia Rivalier, 1961, are also reviewed regarding their reproductive structures. Their relationships are discussed using a comparison between morphological and molecular analyses. Through this study, the taxonomic rank of Sophiodela is raised from a subgenus to a genus as it is demonstrated to be a distinct monophyletic group by both the morphological and molecular analyses. Amongst the species of Sophiodela, S. cyanea Fabricius, 1787 is changed to the subgenus Pancallia. We conclude that the everted internal sac is a useful tool for grouping the genera and subgenera and can be used as a taxonomic character.


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