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Type: Article
Published: 2019-08-28
Page range: 371–384
Abstract views: 149
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Taxonomic review of the genera Trigoniophthalmus Verhoeff and Coryphophthalmus Verhoeff (Archaeognatha, Machilidae) with descriptions of two new species of the genus Coryphophthalmus from Serbia

All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, 196608 Russia.
Archaeognatha Machilidae Trigoniophthalmus Coryphophthalmus taxonomy new subgenera new species Balkan Peninsula Palaearctic Region


A redescription of Trigoniophthalmus Verhoeff, 1910 and descriptions of its subgenera Trigoniophthalmus s. str. and Silvestrius subgen. nov., along with revalidation and redescription of the genus Coryphophthalmus Verhoeff, 1910, and descriptions of its subgenera, Coryphophtalmus s. str. and Verhoeffius subgen. nov., are given on the basis of comparative analysis of the main morphological features and distribution of 33 described species. Coryphophthalmus obscurus sp. nov. and C. serbicus sp. nov., in the subgenus Verhoeffius subgen. nov., are described from Serbia. Coryphophthalmus obscurus sp. nov. differs from other species of this subgenus in the relatively short body and antennae, elongated compound eyes, tarsus with numerous spine-like setae and ovipositor with more divisions than other species. Coryphophthalmus serbicus sp. nov. is most similar to C. longitarsus (Kaplin) from Abkhazia. The main differences between these species consist in the line of eye contact, structure of the paired ocelli, labial palps, legs, urocoxites IX, ovipositor and male parameres.


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