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Type: Article
Published: 2019-08-29
Page range: 501–521
Abstract views: 159
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An overview of the tribe Cnephasiini (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Tortricinae) of Iran with description of a new species

Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection (IRIPP), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran.
Lepidoptera distribution new species new records Palaearctic


The 22 species of the tortricid tribe Cnephasiini recorded from Iran are reviewed. Cnephasia razowskii, sp. n., is described and illustrated. Five species, i.e., C. communana (Herrich & Schäffer, 1851), C. genitalana Pierce & Metcalfe, 1922, C. tianshanica Filipjev, 1934, C. kenneli Obraztsov, 1956 and Eana incanana (Stephens, 1852), are newly reported for the fauna of Iran. New distributional data are presented for all other species. The previously unknown females of C. facetana Kennel, 1901 and C. kenneli are described and illustrated. A re-description of the female genitalia of C. grandis Osthelder, 1938 is provided owing to its poor original description.



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