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Type: Articles
Published: 2006-03-23
Page range: 51–64
Abstract views: 117
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Observations on the quill mites (Acari: Syringophilidae) from charadriiform birds

Department of Animal Morphology, A. Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznan, Poland
Department of Animal Morphology, A. Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 89, 61-614 Poznan, Poland
Institut für Parasitologie, Veterinärmedizinische Fakultät, Universität Leipzig, An den Tierkliniken 35, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany
Acari Syringophilidae quill mites Charadriiformes ectoparasites


We provide a list of all 19 named species of the family Syringophilidae (Acari: Prostigmata) parasitizing charadriiform birds (Charadriiformes) together with new records and keys to these species. We describe a new species Niglarobia cursoriae sp. nov. from Cursorius temminckii Swainson (Glareolidae) and redescribe Creagonycha totana (Oudemans, 1904) from Tringa totanus L. (Scolopacidae). Niglarobia cursoriae sp. nov. differs from the closely related species N. rhinoptili Fain et al., 2000 in the following characters: in females of N. cursoriae sp. nov. hysterosomal shield is present and fused with pygidial shield; the length ratio of setae g:pg1:pg2 is 1:5:3.8. In females of N. rhinoptili the hysterosomal shield is absent; and the length ratio of setae g:pg1:pg2 is 1:3:2. All known syringophilid records from charadriiform birds are summarized in tabular form.


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