Neotropical Scydmaeninae Archiconnus Franz and Parapseudoconnus Franz (with two subgenera) are re-defined and de-tails of their morphology are illustrated. Archiconnus mexicanus Franz is placed in a separate genus Mexiconnus gen. nov. (resulting in a new combination Mexiconnus mexicanus (Franz)). The current division of Parapseudoconnus into the nom-inotypical subgenus and a subgenus Neuraphomimus Franz is weakly supported by only minor morphological differences, but the subgenera are retained, pending further study. Archiconnus huallaganus Franz, Mexiconnus mexicanus, Parap-seudoconnus (s. str.) aberrans Franz and P. (Neuraphomimus) simulator Franz are redescribed, while detailed redescrip-tions of P. (N.) fraudulentus Franz and P. (N.) monticola Franz were not possible due to partly or entirely damaged type specimens.
an� n x�8��urus; at the same time, the internal clades fit perfectly with pre-established informal morphological groups from South America, which may warrant a formal taxonomic subdivision of the genus. Additionally, the species belonging to the “provenzanoi group” clearly fit within a different taxon and should be reviewed. Also, the presence of the genus Propagurus in the ingroup could be in-terpreted by non-exclusive hypotheses: from one point of view, the genus Propagurus is nested within Pagurus, and the-refore Pagurus is not valid as currently composed; or possibly, that more than one genus should be recognized among the South American species presently assigned to Pagurus. This latter perspective accords with the proposal to restrict Pagu-rus to only a few species.