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Type: Articles
Published: 2006-03-02
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On the morphology and classification of larval water mites (Hydrachnidia, Acari) from springs in Luxembourg

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Zoological Institute, Department of Animal Ecology, Olshausenstr. 40, D-24098 Kiel, Germany
Acari water mite larvae taxonomy springs identification key


Morphological data on the larvae of 37 species of freshwater mites (Hydrachnidia) known from springs in Luxembourg are reported. Larvae of Sperchon insignis (Walter, 1906), S. longissimus K.Viets, 1920, Lebertia holsatica K. Viets, 1920, Atractides fonticolus (K.Viets, 1920) and, with a question mark, A. pennatus (K.Viets, 1920) are described for the first time; re-descriptions are presented for Sperchon squamosus Kramer, 1879 and S. setiger Thor, 1898. Previous larval descriptions are listed and commented on for all species. Two species are recorded as new for the Luxembourgian fauna: Panisellus thienemanni (K.Viets, 1920) and Pseudofeltria scourfieldi Soar, 1904. A further taxon previously not recorded from springs in Luxembourg is described, probably Tiphys Koch, 1836 sp. An illustrated key is presented suitable for the determination of most parasitic water mite larvae attached to insect hosts from Luxembourgian springs.


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