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Type: Monograph
Published: 2013-08-09
Page range: 1–77
Abstract views: 70
PDF downloaded: 53

Revision of the checkered beetle genus Eunatalis Schenkling,
1909 (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Clerinae)

Australian species taxonomy identification key genital figures distribution maps


The genus Eunatalis Schenkling, 1909 is taxonomically revised to include twenty-two species. The following species are described as new: Eunatalis auricoma, Eunatalis flavopilosa, Eunatalis foveata, Eunatalis ninae, Eunatalis pernodulosa, Eunatalis punctata, Eunatalis schopfi, Eunatalis spadicea and Eunatalis villosa. Eunatalis blackburni (Waterhouse, 1894), n. syn. is placed in synonymy with Eunatalis lugubris (Blackburn, 1890), Eunatalis longicollis (Blackburn, 1890), n. syn. is placed in synonymy with Eunatalis hirta (Blackburn, 1890); Eunatalis lata (Waterhouse, 1894), n. syn. and Eunatalis alternicostata (Kuwert, 1893), n. syn. are synonymized with Eunatalis semicostata (Blackburn, 1888). A key to the species, color photographs, genital figures and distribution maps are provided.