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Type: Articles
Published: 2006-02-16
Page range: 1–33
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Eight new species of Scissurellidae and Anatomidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda) from around the world, with discussion of two new senior synonyms

Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, 2559 Puesta del Sol Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105, USA.
Mollusca microgastropods SEM protoconch


Eight new species of Scissurellidae and Anatomidae are described: Scissurella kaiserae new species from the Panamic; Scissurella lorenzi new species from the Indo-Malayan archipelago; Scissurella maraisorum new species from South Africa; Sinezona garciai new species from the Caribbean; Sinezona globosa new species from the tropical Western Pacific; Sinezona macleani new species from the Philippines; Sinezona singeri new species from the Red Sea; and Anatoma jansenae new species from southern Australia. Radulae of Scissurella kaiserae and Sinezona singeri are illustrated. Anatoma munieri (Fischer, Oct. 1862) is identified as a senior synonym of Anatoma turbinata (A. Adams, Nov. 1862), and Sukashitrochus morleti (Crosse, 1880) is shown to be a senior synonym of Sukashitrochus indonesicus Bandel, 1998, and Sukashitrochus simplex Bandel, 1998. These synonymies are based on examination of type material in the Muséum Nationale dHistoire Naturelle, Paris; scanning electron microscope images of the types are provided, and lectotypes are here selected.


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