Cossyphodini Wasmann, 1899 (Tenebrionidae: Pimeliinae) from South Africa, Namibia and adjacent regions are revised, and newly collected material is presented. All species are figured, including as much as possible type specimens of African taxa for comparison. New species are described: Cossyphodes andreaei sp. n. and Cossyphodes caecus sp. n. (both South Africa), Cossyphodes naukluftensis sp. n. (Namibia). New synonyms include: Cossyphodes freudei Basilewsky, 1957 (Cossyphodes uhligi Ferrer, 2004 syn. n.), Cossyphodes wasmanni Reichensperger, 1915 (Cossyphodes brincki Andreae, 1961 syn. n., Cossyphodes reichenspergeri Andreae, 1961 syn. n.). Lectotypes are designated for Cossyphodes arnoldi Brauns, 1925 and Cossyphodes wasmanni Reichensperger, 1915. The aedeagus is of lesser value for species separation. Keys to the four genera in South Africa and adjacent regions, as well as species of Cossyphodes in South Africa are presented. A catalogue of all Cossyphodini from the Old World including full references is added.