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Type: Articles
Published: 2007-03-29
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Acalyptris Meyrick: revision of the platani and staticis groups in Europe and the Mediterranean (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae)

National Museum of Natural History, Naturalis, PO Box 9517, NL–2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands.
Lepidoptera Taxonomy new species phylogeny larval morphology pupal morphology hostplants Anacardiaceae Platanaceae Loranthaceae Plumbaginaceae CO1 DNA-barcodes Palaearctic Hymenoptera Eulophidae Braconidae


The European and Mediterranean species of the Acalyptris platani and A. staticis groups are revised, with respectively four and six species. Three new species are described: A. pistaciae Van Nieukerken sp. n. (from Greece, Cyprus and Turkey, on Pistacia) in the platani group, A. limoniastri Van Nieukerken sp. n. (from Algeria and Tunisia, associated with Limoniastrum) and A. lesbia Van Nieukerken & Hull sp. n. (from Greece: Lesvos, on Limonium gmelini) in the staticis group. Lectotypes are selected for A. minimella (Rebel, 1924) and A. staticis (Walsingham, 1908). The European species of the A. platani group are leafminers on Anacardiaceae, Platanaceae and Loranthaceae, the species of the A. staticis group feed on Plumbaginaceae, except A. pyrenaica A. & Z. Laštůvka, for which the host is unknown, but likely to belong to another family. Immatures are described for five species, final instar larvae and pupal exuviae for all species in the A. platani group and for A. lesbia. Larvae and pupae of the latter species differ markedly from the A. platani group. Recorded parasitoids are listed. CO1 barcodes are provided for seven species. The groups are phylogenetically not very close; the monophyly of Acalyptris and the phylogeny on the basis of CO1 (mt-DNA) sequences are discussed.


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