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Type: Article
Published: 2013-12-11
Page range: 357–371
Abstract views: 80
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Phytoseiid mites (Acari) associated with yerba mate in southern Brazil, with description of a new species

Departamento de Fitossanidade, Faculdade de Agronomia "Eliseu Maciel," FAEM-UFPel, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Capão do Leão, 96001-970, RS, Brasil
Departamento de Fitossanidade, Faculdade de Agronomia "Eliseu Maciel," FAEM-UFPel, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Capão do Leão, 96001-970, RS, Brasil
Laboratório de Acarologia, Museu de Ciências Naturais, UNIVATES - Centro Universitário, 95900-000 Lajeado, RS, Brazil
Euseius ho Ilex paraguariensis Iphiseiodes moraesi natural enemy predatory mites


Yerba mate is a plant of great socioeconomic importance in southern South America. Little has been published about the phytoseiid mite fauna of yerba mate. This paper presents information about the morphology and distribution of phytoseiid mites collected in yerba mate in the Ilópolis and Putinga counties of Brazil between 2002 and 2004. Four areas with of different forms of cultivation in every county were sampled. A list of the species recorded from that state, and a key for their identification are provided. Sixteen phytoseiid mites species were identified, belonging to 11 genera in the subfamilies Amblyseiinae (13 species) and Typhlodrominae (three species). The most abundant genus was Amblyseius with three species. Phytoscutus sexpilis Muma, 1961 and Typhloseiopsis dorsoreticulatus Lofego, Demite & Feres, 2011 are reported for the first time from Rio Grande do Sul state. This study also includes the description of a new species, Typhlodromips pallinii n. sp.