Parabradya samsoni sp. nov. is described from deep-sea samples collected from the Angola Basin during the DIVA-1 campaign in July 2000. Parabradya samsoni can be distinguished from its congeners by: its bigger size, the ornamentation of the body, the cuticula (except for that of the cephalic shield and the genital field) is covered with spinules, the multipinnate setae of A1, A2, mouthparts, P1–P5 and caudal rami, and the position of the innermost seta of P5, which is not directly situated at the inner distal corner, but displaced towards the outer edge. Full generic rank is assigned to both Bradya Boeck, 1873 and Parabradya Lang, 1944. With P. samsoni sp. nov. Parabradya includes five species.
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