We describe a new species of the genus Cyrtodactylus based on two adult specimens from Khammouane Province, Laos. Cyrtodactylus jaegeri sp. nov. is distinguished from the remaining Indochinese bent–toed geckos by a combination of the following characters: a moderately sized Cyrtodactylus with a maximum SVL reaching 68.5 mm; dorsal pattern consisting of a dark nuchal loop and four narrow brown body bands between limb insertions; dorsal tubercles in 15–17 irregular rows; ventrals in 31–32 longitudinal rows at midbody; lateral skin folds present with interspersed tubercles; precloacal–femoral pores 44 in the male, in a continuous series; enlarged femoral scales and precloacal scales present; postcloacal tubercles 3–6; subcaudals transversely enlarged. Cyrtodactylus jaegeri sp. nov. is the ninth species of Cyrtodactylus known from Laos.