Lectotypes were designated (and holotypes and paralectotypes recognized) for 44 species of Hydnocerinae, including the type species for Isolemidia, Parmius, Paupris, Allelidea, Blaesiopthalmus and Lemidia, four species of Enoclerus (Clerinae), and 14 species of Cymatodera (Tillinae). Annotations include comments on additional type material, new type locality, previous (type series) locality, and questionable or mysterious types. Phyllobaenus pallipes (Gorham) and P. rufithorax (Gorham) are synonymized with P. flavifemoratus (Gorham), P. chapini (Wolcott) is synonymized under P. lateralis (Gorham), and P. villosus (Schenkling) is synonymized under P. longus (LeConte), new synonymies. Phyllobaenus longus (LeConte) is discovered in New Mexico, new state record.