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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2014-02-04
Page range: 596–598
Abstract views: 78
PDF downloaded: 4

Designation of type genus for the holothuroid family Cucumellidae (Echinodermata : Holothuroidea : Dendrochirotida) with re-examination of the holotype of Cucumella decaryi Cherbonnier

University of KwaZulu-Natal, P/Bag X54001, Durban 4000, South Africa
University of KwaZulu-Natal, P/Bag X54001, Durban 4000, South Africa
Dactylochirotida Dendrochirotida Cucumellidae Cucumella¸ Neostichopus type genus.


Thandar & Arumugam (2011), in their erection of the new dactylochirotid family Cucumellidae, inadvertently omitted to designate its type genus. This error is here rectified and Cucumella Heding (in Ludwig & Heding, 1935) is designated the type genus of the new family Cucumellidae to comply with the requirements of Article 61 of the International Code. Following Smirnov (2012), in his revised classification of the Holothuroidea, the new family is now classified in the order Dendrochirotida. In addition, the holotype of Cucumella decaryi Cherbonnier is re-examined to confirm its synonymy with Neostichopus grammatus (H.L. Clark).