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Type: Article
Published: 2014-02-10
Page range: 152–168
Abstract views: 56
PDF downloaded: 3

Notes on the first instar larvae of Ctenophora and Nephrotoma (Diptera, Tipulidae)

Department of Zoology, Vilnius University, Ciurlionio 21/27, 03101 Vilnius, Lithuania.
Institute of Ecology, Nature Research Centre, Akademijos 2, 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania.
Department of Zoology, Vilnius University, Ciurlionio 21/27, 03101 Vilnius, Lithuania.
Crane fly head capsule egg-larva last abdominal segment


1830 egg-larvae of 7 species belonging to long palped crane flies (Tipulidae): Ctenophora guttata Meigen, Nephrotoma pratensis Linnaeus, N. dorsalis Fabricius, N. scurra Meigen, N. flavescens Linnaeus, N. submaculosa Edwards and N. crocata Linnaeus were obtained from 22 females captured in Lithuania in 2011–2012. It took from five days to more than three weeks for eggs to hatch. Crane flies have four instars of larvae. Second, third and the last instar larvae are very similar, when the first instar or egg-larvae differs radically. Descriptions and illustrations of external morphology, chaetotaxy of abdominal segments, characters of head capsules and last abdominal segments are given for the previously unknown first instar larvae of Ct. guttata, N. crocata, N. dorsalis, N. flavescens, N. pratensis, N. scurra and poorly known N. submaculosa. It was found out that difference of head capsule and last abdominal segment among the first instar larvae of above mentioned species of genus Nephrotoma are more obvious than in last instar. During this study it was found, that such characters as shape of apical teeth of mandible, shape of basal segment of antenna and number of sensillae, shape of hypostomium and arrangement of sensory structures on labrum, differ among egg-larvae of Nephrotoma. It was found, that pads on frontal part of prothorax and shape of lateral plates of egg-larvae labrum of Nephrotoma differ significantly from that of Ctenophora and could be used as genus separating characters.