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Type: Monograph
Published: 2014-03-03
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Chilopoda Geophilomorpha of Europe: a revised list of species, with taxonomic and nomenclatorial notes

Dipartimento di Biologia, Università degli Studi di Padova, Via Ugo Bassi 58b, I-35131, Padova, Italy.
Dipartimento di Biologia, Università degli Studi di Padova, Via Ugo Bassi 58b, I-35131, Padova, Italy.
Chilopoda Geophilomorpha taxonomy nomenclature Europe


An annotated list is provided for the genera and species of Chilopoda Geophilomorpha recorded from Europe, including Macaronesia. The list derives from a critical evaluation of all published information. All synonyms are also listed and all taxonomic and nomenclatorial novelties are discussed. Additionally, all available genus-group and species-group names are listed, together with type species and type localities respectively.

To date, 452 available species-group names and 95 available genus-group names have been applied to European geophilomorphs, together with another 10 unavailable names. A total of 179 species in 37 genera are provisionally recognized here, but the actual taxonomic identity of 84 of these species is uncertain because their morphology is incompletely or imprecisely known. Another 5 species have been recorded from European localities but probably are not established in the wild, and another 8 species have been reported probably only erroneously.

We introduce the following 116 new synonymies: Algerophilus hispanicus (Meinert, 1870) [= Geophilus aragonicus Daday, 1889], Bothriogaster signata (Kessler, 1874) [= Notiphilus taeniatus C.L. Koch, 1847, = N. sanguineus C.L. Koch, 1847, = B. affinis Sseliwanoff, 1879, = B. meinerti Sseliwanoff, 1879], Clinopodes C.L. Koch, 1847 [= Poabius C.L. Koch, 1847], Clinopodes carinthiacus (Latzel, 1880) [= Geophilus flavidus styriacus Attems, 1895, = G. trebevicensis poschiavensis Verhoeff, 1934], C. flavidus C.L. Koch, 1847 [= Geophilus flavidus pachypus Verhoeff, 1942, = G. flavidus faitanus Verhoeff, 1943, = G. flavidus improvisus Verhoeff, 1943, = G. flavidus karamani Verhoeff, 1943, = G. flavidus sorattinus Verhoeff, 1951], Dignathodon Meinert, 1870 [= Rhysonotum Attems, 1952], Escaryus retusidens Attems, 1904 [= E. retusidens pallidus Folkmanová, 1956], Geophilus Leach, 1814 [= Homalarthrus Agassiz, 1846, = Esthiomenus Gistel, 1847, = Geophilus (Anadenophilus) Verhoeff, 1928], Geophilus aetnensis Verhoeff, 1928 [= G. insculptus debilis Brolemann, 1930, = G. evisensis Verhoeff, 1943, = G. henroti Manfredi, 1956, = G. aetnensis pollinensis Manfredi, 1957], G. alpinus Meinert, 1870 [= G. impressus C.L. Koch, 1847, = G. palustris C.L. Koch, 1863, = G. insculptus tauerorum Verhoeff, 1928, = G. glacialis inermis Verhoeff, 1938, = G. glacialis unguiculatus Verhoeff, 1938, = G. proximus rhenanus Verhoeff, 1895, = G. anglicanus Bagnall, 1935, = G. langkofelanus Verhoeff, 1938], G. bobolianus Verhoeff, 1928 [= G. longicornis aternanus Verhoeff, 1934], G. carpophagus Leach, 1815 [= Arthronomalus similis Newport, 1845, = G. pachymeropus Eisen & Stuxberg, 1868, = G. luridus Meinert, 1870], G. easoni Arthur, Foddai, Kettle, Lewis, Luczynski & Minelli 2001 [= Arthronomalus crassicornis Parfitt, 1866], G. electricus (Linnaeus, 1758) [= Scolopendra phosphorica Fourcroy, 1785], G. flavus (De Geer, 1778) [= G. longicornis trisulcus Silvestri, 1895, = G. longicornis glaber Verhoeff, 1928, = G. pygmaeus styricus Verhoeff, 1895, = G. longicornis pseudotruncorum Verhoeff, 1896, = G. longicornis styricorum Verhoeff, 1934, = G. carnicus praedator Verhoeff, 1937, = Pachymerium flavum Folkmanová, 1949, = G. osquidatum  porosus Dobroruka, 1957, = Schizotaenia ornata Folkmanová & Dobroruka, 1960], G. fucorum Brölemann, 1909 [= G. longicornis taorminensis Verhoeff, 1928, = G. ruinarum Verhoeff, 1931, = Pachymerium dragani Căpuşe, 1975], G. gavoyi Chalande, 1910 [= G. gavoyi elongatus Chalande, 1910], G. proximus C.L. Koch, 1847 [= G. ganonotus Attems, 1901, = G. eremophilus Lignau, 1933], G. pygmaeus Latzel, 1880 [= G. cispadanus Silvestri, 1896, = G. carnicus Verhoeff, 1928], G. pyrenaicus Chalande, 1909 [= G. pyrenaicus elongatus Chalande, 1909], G. seurati Brolemann, 1924 [= G. litorivagus Verhoeff, 1943], Gnathoribautia Brölemann, 1909 [= Turkomerium Chamberlin, 1952], Haplophilus Cook, 1896 [= Bothrohaplophilus Verhoeff, 1908, = Nesoporogaster Verhoeff, 1924], Haplophilus dimidiatus (Meinert, 1870) [= Himantarium gestri Pocock, 1890, = Italophilus sorattinus Verhoeff, 1951], H. excavatus (Verhoeff, 1924) [= Nesoporogaster hispanica Matic & Dărăbanţu, 1969], H. souletinus Brölemann, 1907 [= H. souletinus lusitanus Verhoeff, 1925], H. subterraneus (Shaw, 1794) [= H. subterraneus elongatus Chalande & Ribaut, 1909], H. superbus (Meinert, 1870) [= Himantarium filum Meinert, 1870], Haploschendyla Verhoeff, 1900 [= Dalmatodyla Verhoeff, 1938, = Aporophilus Attems, 1903], Haploschendyla grantii (Pocock, 1891) [= Geophilus barbaricus Meinert, 1870, = H. europaea latzeli Demange, 1959], Henia bicarinata (Meinert, 1870) [= H. bicarinata elongata Brolemann, 1930, = H. bicarinata lapadensis Verhoeff, 1938], H. illyrica (Meinert, 1870) [= Chaetechelyne herzegowinensis Verhoeff, 1938, = H. illyrica absoloni Dobroruka, 1959], H. montana (Meinert, 1870) [= Chaetechelyne vesuviana pharyngealis Verhoeff, 1928], H. valida (Attems, 1927) [= Chaetechelyne osellai Matic & Dărăbanţu, 1968], H. vesuviana (Newport, 1845) [= Scolopendra fusca Fourcroy, 1785, = Chaetechelyne sorattina Verhoeff, 1951], Hydroschendyla submarina (Grube, 1872) [= Arthronomalus littoralis Parfitt, 1874], Pachymerium coiffaiti Demange, 1959 [= P. ferrugineum maderianum Demange, 1959], P. ferrugineum (C.L. Koch, 1835) [= Geophilus caucasicus Attems, 1903, = P. tabacarui Căpuşe, 1968], Schendyla Bergsøe & Meinert, 1866 [= Astenoschendyla Brolemann, 1930, = Echinoschendyla Brölemann & Ribaut, 1912, = Microschendyla Brölemann & Ribaut, 1912, = Schizoschendyla Brölemann & Ribaut, 1912], Schendyla carniolensis Verhoeff, 1902 [= Poabius bistriatus C.L. Koch, 1847, = S. nemorensis quarnerana Verhoeff, 1937, = S. carniolensis clausensis Verhoeff, 1938, = S. carniolensis nivalis Verhoeff, 1938, = S. tesselata Verhoeff, 1943], S. nemorensis (C.L. Koch, 1837) [= S. nemorensis fountaini Turk, 1944, = Brachygeophilus sinionus Manfredi, 1953], S. tyrolensis (Meinert, 1870) [= Brachyschendyla montana prominens Ribaut & Brolemann, 1927, = S. montana herculis Verhoeff, 1938, = Brachyschendyla montana balcanica Kaczmarek, 1969, = Brachyschendyla dobrogica Matic & Dărăbanţu, 1970], S. vizzavonae Léger & Duboscq, 1903 [= S. pellicensis Verhoeff, 1934, = S. incubationum Verhoeff, 1943], S. walachica Verhoeff, 1900 [= S. walachica rhodopensis Kaczmarek, 1969], Stigmatogaster gracilis (Meinert, 1870) [= Himantarium laevipes C.L. Koch, 1847, = Geophilus ilicis Fabre, 1855, = S. gracilis robusta Attems, 1929, = Diadenoschisma gracile tyrrhenum Verhoeff, 1934, = D. gracile quarneranum Verhoeff, 1937, = S. gracilis aeserniana Attems, 1947], Strigamia acuminata (Leach, 1815) [ =Scolioplanes acuminatus brevidentatus Verhoeff, 1928, = Sc. acuminatus microdon Attems, 1904, = Sc. acuminatus pachypus Verhoeff, 1935, = Sc. italicus Verhoeff, 1928], S. crassipes (C.L. Koch, 1835) [= Scolioplanes variabilis carniolensis Verhoeff, 1895, = Sc. mediterraneus alsaticus Verhoeff, 1928, = Sc. mediterraneus carynthiacus Verhoeff, 1928, = Sc. crassipes longaronensis Verhoeff, 1935, = Sc. crassipes pegliensis Verhoeff, 1935, = Sc. crassipes faitanus Verhoeff, 1943], Thracophilus bulgaricus Verhoeff, 1926 [= T. beroni Matic & Dărăbanţu, 1974], T. subterraneus Verhoeff, 1943 [= T. monoporus Attems, 1947].

We also propose 14 new generic combinations: Dignathodon gracilis (Attems, 1952) [from Rhysonotum], Escaryus haasei (Sseliwanoff, 1884) [from Geophilus], Geophilus ibericus (Attems, 1952) [from Brachygeophilus], Geophilus pauciporus (Machado, 1952) [from Orinophilus], Gnathoribautia syriaca (Attems, 1903) [from Geophilus], Haplophilus excavatus (Verhoeff, 1924) [from Nesoporogaster], Haploschendyla splitensis (Verhoeff, 1938) [from Dalmatodyla], Henia duboscqui (Verhoeff, 1943) and H. ruffoi (Matic & Dărăbanţu, 1968) [both from Chaetechelyne], Pachymerium minutum (Sseliwanoff, 1884) [from Geophilus], Schendyla capusei (Dărăbanţu & Matic, 1969), S. hispanica (Attems, 1952) and S. verneri (Folkmanová & Dobroruka, 1960) [all from Brachyschendyla], Tuoba zograffi (Brölemann, 1900) [from Geophilus].

Lectotypes have been selected for two species: Geophilus pusillus Meinert, 1870 and Himantarium mediterraneum Meinert, 1870.

In seven cases we suggest to conserve currently used names over senior synonyms or homonyms: Geophilus alpinus Meinert, 1870 [over G. impressus C.L. Koch, 1847 and G. palustris C.L. Koch, 1863], Geophilus easoni Arthur, Foddai, Kettle, Lewis, Luczynski & Minelli 2001 [over Arthronomalus crassicornis Parfitt, 1866], Gnathoribautia bonensis (Meinert, 1870) [over Necrophloeophagus punctiventris Newport, 1844], Bothriogaster signata (Kessler, 1874) [over Notiphilus sanguineus C.L. Koch, 1847 and N. taeniatus C.L. Koch, 1847], Schendyla carniolensis Verhoeff, 1902 [over Poabius bistriatus C.L. Koch, 1847]. Corresponding applications have been submitted to the International Commission on Zoological nomenclature for a ruling under the Plenary Powers.