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Type: Articles
Published: 2012-08-09
Page range: 23–36
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A new species of Leptobrachium from Myanmar (Anura: Megophryidae)

Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, 3101 Valley Life Sciences Bldg. Berkeley, CA 94720
Amphibia Asia Megophryidae Myanmar Burma


The faunal composition of the Myanmar populations of frogs in the genus Leptobrachium has been confused historically. The secretive nature of these frogs in combination with few systematic surveys throughout Myanmar has meant that sampling is sparse, not allowing for robust examination of morphological variation. Recent survey efforts in conjunction with historical collections have yielded for the first time a chance to evaluate the diversity of the genus Leptobrachium within Myanmar. While three allopatric populations of Leptobrachium species were discovered and all are distinguishable based on morphological differences, genetic analyses support that only one is distinct. A new species with a red and black bi-colored iris with a blue scleral arc is described herein. In addition to the new species, a new country record is also reported.


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