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Type: Article
Published: 2014-04-14
Page range: 541–556
Abstract views: 110
PDF downloaded: 3

Aquatic Empididae (Diptera: Hemerodromiinae and Clinocerinae) of the Sierra Nevada, Spain, with the description of five new species 

Department of Zoology, Division of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Rooseveltov trg 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
Department of Zoology, University of Granada, Granada, Spain.
Department of Zoology, University of Granada, Granada, Spain.
Canadian National Collection of Insects & Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Ottawa Plant Laboratory – Entomology, CFIA, Ottawa, Canada.
Clinocerinae Hemerodromiinae Empididae Diptera new species Sierra Nevada Spain


In total 24 species of aquatic Empididae (Clinocerinae and Hemerodromiinae) are known from the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Spain, including five new species (Hemerodromia planti Ivković & Sinclair sp. nov., Kowarzia nevadensis Sinclair & Ivković sp. nov., Wiedemannia darioi Sinclair & Ivković sp. nov., W. horvati Ivković & Sinclair sp. nov. and W. vedranae Ivković & Sinclair sp. nov.). The new species are described, illustrated and distribution of all species listed. Wiedemannia (Philolutra) angelieri Vaillant and W. (Roederella) ouedorum Vaillant are newly recorded in Sierra Nevada and nine species are endemic to this region. A key to all 24 species of aquatic empidids is presented.