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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2014-05-01
Page range: 499–500
Abstract views: 96
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Gobduntaulepis, a new generic name for Acantholepis Pianovskij, 1989 (Conodonta) non Krøyer, 1846 (Actinopterygii)

National Institute of Carpology (Gaertnerian Institution), 21 Konenkowa Street, RUS-127560, Moscow, Russian Federation.
Conodonta Actinopterygii


The fossil genus Acantholepis (type species A. bispinatus Pianovskij, 1989, by original designation) was established by Pianovskij (in Pianovskij, Pianovskaja & Aleksandrova, 1989: 69) for a presumable fossil conodont from the Ordovician of Southern Tien Shan (Gobduntau mountains, Nuratau ridge, Southern Tien Shan, Uzbekistan). However, several years earlier, the identical generic names Acantholepis Krøyer, 1846: 98 for a living fish in current use (Actinopterygii: Osmeriformes: Argentinidae), Acantholepis Mayr, 1861: 26 for a genus of living ants (Formicidae) and Acantholepis Newberry, 1875: 38 for a distinctive fossil fish genus, both latter replaced since then by new generic names, all preceded the recently published conodont generic name, which is therefore preoccupied, having three senior homonyms.