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Type: Article
Published: 2014-05-09
Page range: 61–70
Abstract views: 62
PDF downloaded: 3

New species of salamander (Caudata: Plethodontidae: Cryptotriton) from Quebrada Cataguana, Francisco Morazán, Honduras, with comments on the taxonomic status of Cryptotriton wakei

Smithsonian Research Associate, 10770 SW 164th Street, Miami, Florida 33157–2933, USA.
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA.
Honduras Plethodontidae Cryptotriton necopinus sp. nov. morphology mtDNA 16S cytochrome b Cryptotriton wakei synonym nov. Cryptotriton nasalis


We describe a new species of the plethodontid salamander genus Cryptotriton from Honduras after comparing morphological, molecular, and osteological data from the holotype to that of the other nominal forms of the genus. The new species differs from all of the known species of Cryptotriton in at least one character from all three datasets. We also suggest placing C. wakei in the synonymy of C. nasalis after examining the morphological and osteological characters of the single known specimen of C. wakei.