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Type: Article
Published: 2002-10-21
Page range: 1–8
Abstract views: 97
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On the new status of Agrilus perisi Cobos, 1986 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae)

C/ Ferrer 23. Vegas del Condado 24153 León, Spain
C/ Ferrer 23. Vegas del Condado 24153 León, Spain
Coleoptera Buprestidae Agrilus albogularis perisi Cobos (nov. stat.) redescription taxonomy key distribution host plant Spain Western Palaearctic


A new status for Agrilus perisi Cobos, 1986, as a subspecies of Agrilus albogularis Gory, 1841, is proposed. The redescription of the holotype of Agrilus perisi and a diagnosis for its differentiation from the closest subspecies of Agrilus albogularis are given. The European subspecies of Agrilus albogularis are distinguished in a key and a map showing the distributions is provided. Adults of A. perisi were collected on Artemisia herba-alba Asso, the putative host plant.


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