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Type: Article
Published: 2002-10-17
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Expanathuridae (Crustacea: Isopoda) from the Australian region

Museum Victoria, GPO Box 666E, Melbourne, Vic. 3001, Australia
Museum Victoria, GPO Box 666E, Melbourne, Vic. 3001, Australia
Crustacea Isopoda Anthuroidea Expanathuridae Coralanthura Eisothistos Expanathura Heptanthura Australia Coral Sea


The Expanathuridae Poore, 2001 comprise seven genera all represented in the Australian region or south-western Pacific: Coralanthura Poore & Kensley, 1981; Eisothistos Haswell, 1884; Expanathura Wägele, 1981; Heptanthura Kensley, 1978; Minyanthura Kensley, 1982; Panathura Barnard, 1925; and Rhiganthura Kensley, 1978. Eleven new species are described from Australia and nearby seas: Eisothistos bellonae, E. corinellae, E. macquariensis, E. nowrae, E. victoriae, Heptanthura kensleyi, Panathura baudini, P. hamelini, P. hicksi, P. molyneuxi and Rhiganthura capricornica. Keys to species of Expanathura and Panathura are given.


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