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Type: Article
Published: 2002-10-17
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The Dryophthoridae of Costa Rica and Panama: Checklist with keys, new synonymy and descriptions of new species of Cactophagus, Mesocordylus, Metamasius and Rhodobaenus (Coleoptera; Curculionoidea)

Canadian Museum of Nature, P.O. Box 3443, Station D, Ottawa, ON. K1P 6P4, Canada
Coleoptera Dryophthoridae checklist new species Costa Rica Panama


The Dryophthoridae of Costa Rica and Panama are reviewed. A checklist is presented of the 127 species in Costa Rica and 103 species in Panama. Keys are presented to genera and species. Twenty-four new species are described as follows: Mesocordylus redelmeieri Anderson (type locality; Guanacaste, Costa Rica), Cactophagus dragoni Anderson (type locality; Chiriqui, Panama), C. gasbarrinorum Anderson (type locality; Chiriqui, Panama), C. lineatus Anderson (type locality; San Jose, Costa Rica), C. lingorum Anderson (type locality; Puntarenas, Costa Rica), C. morrisi Anderson (type locality; Chiriqui, Panama), C. riesenorum Anderson (type locality; Puntarenas, Costa Rica), C. silron Anderson (type locality; Puntarenas, Costa Rica), C. sunatoriorum Anderson (type locality; Chiriqui, Panama), Metamasius atwoodi Anderson (type locality; Cocos Island, Costa Rica), M. bellorum Anderson (type locality; Chiriqui, Panama), M. burcheri Anderson (type locality; Cartago, Costa Rica), M. gallettae Anderson (type locality; Darien, Panama), M. hooveri Anderson (type locality; Limón, Costa Rica), M. leopardinus Anderson (type locality; Guanacaste, Costa Rica), M. murdiei Anderson (type locality; Cartago, Costa Rica), M. richdeboeri Anderson (type locality; Puntarenas, Costa Rica), M. shchepaneki Anderson (type locality; Panama, Panama), M. vaurieae Anderson (type locality; Puntarenas, Costa Rica), M. wolfensohni Anderson (type locality; Guanacaste, Costa Rica), Rhodobaenus howelli Anderson (type locality; Puntarenas, Costa Rica), R. labrecheae Anderson (type locality; Puntarenas, Costa Rica), R. patriciae Anderson (type locality; Puntarenas, Costa Rica), and R. tenorio Anderson (type locality; Limón, Costa Rica). New country records are as follows: Toxorhinus grallarius (Lacordaire) (Costa Rica), Alloscolytoproctus peruanus Hustache (Panama), Cactophagus aurofasciatus (Breme) (Panama) and Metamasius scutiger Champion (Costa Rica). The genera Toxorhinus Lacordaire and Cosmopolites Chevrolat are transferred from Sphenophorini to Litosomini. Notes about the natural history and plant associations for all new species are given where available.


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