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Type: Article
Published: 2014-09-16
Page range: 369–397
Abstract views: 79
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New Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) from East Africa with an account of the tortricid fauna of acacia in the Kenyan Rift Valley

Insects Division, Natural History Museum, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom.
The Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1172 Blindern, NO-0318 Oslo, Norway.
acacia Africa Coniostola Endotera Hystrichophora Lepidoptera new species Paraeccopsis Tortricidae


Species of Tortricidae whose larvae feed on acacia are listed, including five new species: Hystrichophora bussei Agassiz, Endotera cyaneana Agassiz, Paraeccopsis variegana Agassiz & Aarvik, Coniostola flavitinctana Agassiz & Aarvik, and C. rufitinctana Agassiz & Aarvik. Six additional species related to the aforementioned, whose life histories are not known, also are described: Paraeccopsis tanzanica Aarvik, P. addis Aarvik, P. turi Aarvik, P. botswanae Aarvik, P. pseudoinsellata Aarvik, and Coniostola laikipiana Agassiz & Aarvik. Endotera nodi Agassiz is synonymised with Endotera cyphospila (Meyrick), comb. n.; and Coniostola omistus Diakonoff is synonymised with Coniostola stereoma (Meyrick). Paraeccopsis inflicta (Meyrick) and Paraeccopsis atricapsis (Meyrick) are removed from the synonymy of Paraeccopsis insellata (Meyrick). Eucosma pharangodes Meyrick is transferred to Eucosmocydia Diakonoff. Age onychistica Diakonoff is recorded from Africa for the first time.