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Type: Monograph
Published: 2014-10-06
Page range: 1–87
Abstract views: 74
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Western Hemisphere Lasiochilinae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) with comments on some extralimital species and some considerations on suprageneric relationships 

División Entomología, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”. Av. Ángel Gallardo 470 (1405), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Lasiochilinae Anthocoridae new taxa key to tribes and genera distribution maps taxonomic position


Seven Western Hemisphere genera (six known and one new), and 39 species (27 known and 12 new) of Lasiochilinae are redefined based on known and new characters. These new characters are briefly discussed. Plochiocorini, a new tribe, is erected in the basis of two genera: Plochiocoris Champion and Dolichiella Reuter. Anaelia, a new genus of Lasiochilini, is also erected based on the species Lasiochilus mirificus Drake & Harris. Ten new species are described as follows: Dilasia carvalhoi, D. cuscoensis, D. crassicornis, D. gracilicornis, D. neotropicalis, D. similis, Eusolenophora divisoides, E. testaceoides, Lasiochilus colpoides, L. duckei, Lasiocolpus vivianai and L. maesi. Taxonomic position of most of the Old World species is discussed. A table with measurements and ratios is included, and distributional maps are provided. In addition, a key to the tribes and genera of world Lasiochilinae is given, and relationships between cimicoid families is briefly revised.