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Type: Article
Published: 2014-11-28
Page range: 71–91
Abstract views: 78
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Review of the genus Cystomutilla André, 1896 (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae: Sphaeropthalminae: Sphaeropthalmini), with description of the new genus Hemutilla gen. nov. and four new species from China

State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology and Ministry of Agriculture Key Laboratory of Agricultural Entomology, Institute of Insect Science, Zhejiang University, 866 Yuhangtang Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310058, China.
Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Russian Academy of Science, Vladivostok-22 690022, Russia.
State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology and Ministry of Agriculture Key Laboratory of Agricultural Entomology, Institute of Insect Science, Zhejiang University, 866 Yuhangtang Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310058, China.
Mutillidae velvet ants Cystomutilla Hemutilla new genus new species China


The species of the genus Cystomutilla André, 1896 are reviewed. A new genus Hemutilla Lelej, Tu et Chen, gen. nov. (type species Hemutilla granulata Tu, Lelej et Chen, sp. nov.) and four new species: H. tuberculata Tu, Lelej et Chen, sp. nov. (China: Henan, Shaanxi), H. ferrugineipes Tu, Lelej et Chen, sp. nov. (China: Hunan), H. granulata Tu, Lelej et Chen, sp. nov. (China: Zhejiang), and H. cheni Tu et Lelej, sp. nov. (China: Fujian) are described and illustrated. New combinations are proposed for Hemutilla hoozana (Zavattari, 1913), comb. nov. and H. bifurcata (Chen, 1957), comb. nov. A key to males and females of two species of Cystomutilla André and six species of Hemutilla gen. nov. is given.