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Type: Article
Published: 2015-01-08
Page range: 581–588
Abstract views: 72
PDF downloaded: 4

Two new species of the genus Ectmetopterus (Hemiptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae) feeding on grass in India

Research Associate, Department of Entomology, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore 560 065, India.
taxonomy Halticini Ectmetopterus Paspalum host plants


Two new species, Ectmetopterus mishmiensis sp. nov. from Arunachal Pradesh and E. nandiensis sp. nov. from Karnataka, India are described. Documentation is provided to substantiate that both new species feed on the grass Paspalum (Poaceae). The genus is recorded for the first time from India. Descriptions of the new species are provided, along with digital images of the genitalia, dorsal habitus, and images of live individuals on their host plant.