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Type: Article
Published: 2015-02-13
Page range: 492–502
Abstract views: 110
PDF downloaded: 43

Species of Thripinae (Thysanoptera) from bamboo in Malaysia, with one new species and six new records

Centre for Insect Systematics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.
Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.
Poaceae bamboo new species Clypeothrips Neocorynothrips Okajimaella Simulothrips Stenchaetothrips


Nine species of Thripinae that inhabit bamboo are recorded from Malaysia. Clypeothrips idrisi sp.n. is described as a second species in the genus, and Trichromothrips bruncurrum Reyes is considered a syn.n. of Neocorynothrips asiaticus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu. Six species are newly recorded from Malaysia: N. asiaticus, Okajimaella tubercula, Simulothrips banpoti, Stenchaetothrips bambusicola, S. bambusae and S. spinalis. Seven species of Stenchaetothrips are now known from Malaysia. Illustrations and descriptions of each species are provided.