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Type: Article
Published: 2019-09-09
Page range: 76–88
Abstract views: 134
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First catalogue of the Asopinae (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) from French Guiana

79, rue Jules Ferry, 94120 Fontenay-sous-bois, France.
Hemiptera Heteroptera Neotropical South America new record Alcaeorrhynchus grandis Coryzorhaphis carneolus Discocera cayennensis schumacheri mullenhoffi coccinea ochrocyanea form emerald Heteroscelis bimaculata lepida servillei Oplomus catena salamandra Podisus aenescens distinctus nigrispinus rostralis sculptus Stiretrus decemguttatus loratus Tylospilus cloelia peruvianus Tyrannocoris jole nigriceps rex Chrysomelidae Platyphora aestuans aulica Erotylidae Olygocorynus cinctus Endomychidae Corynomalus Mullerian mimicry


Nine identified species of Asopinae belonging to seven genera were previously reported from French Guiana. Twelve more species are reported here for the first time. Thus, a total of 21 species in nine genera of Asopinae are now known and reported from French Guiana, which represents about 20 % of all the Asopinae species recorded in South America, and though French Guiana only accounting for half a percent of its surface area. Examined species are photographed; localities, some new hosts and ecological aspects are mentioned. The genera Tylospilus and Tyrannocoris are recorded here for the first time in French Guiana and Tyrannocoris jole for the first time in South America.



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