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Type: Article
Published: 2015-02-27
Page range: 241–256
Abstract views: 63
PDF downloaded: 4

A new bathyal mysid of the family Petalophthalmidae (Crustacea: Mysida)
from the Bismarck Sea (Western Tropical Pacific Ocean)

C/Nou 8, 43839 Creixell, Tarragona, Spain.
Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Institut de Systématique, Evolution, Biodiversité, ISyEB, UMR7205, MNHN-CNRS-EPHE-UPMC, Département Systématique et Evolution, 43 rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris, France
Mysida Petalophthalmidae taxonomy new species deep sea W Pacific Ocean


A new species of the genus Petalophthalmus (Crustacea: Mysida: Petalophthalmidae) is described, based on one specimen collected from the Bismarck Sea (Papua New Guinea, Western Pacific Ocean). This species can be distinguished from the other species of the genus Petalophthalmus by the globular cornea and the armature of the telson. This new species lives between 800 and 1065 m depth. A discussion on the geographic and bathymetric distribution and an identification key to world species of Petalophthalmus are provided.