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Type: Article
Published: 2015-03-02
Page range: 409–421
Abstract views: 89
PDF downloaded: 4

A review of the genus Lamellipalpodes Maulik (Coleoptera: Lampyridae)

Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Palacky University, Purkrabska 2, CZ-77140 Olomouc, Czech Republic.
Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Palacky University, 17. listopadu 50, CZ-77146 Olomouc, Czech Republic.
Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Palacky University, Purkrabska 2, CZ-77140 Olomouc, Czech Republic.
Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Palacky University, Purkrabska 2, CZ-77140 Olomouc, Czech Republic.
taxonomy Ototretinae checklist key new species Oriental Region


The Ototretinae genus Lamellipalpodes Maulik, 1921 is reviewed. Four species are proposed as new to science, L. bajhangensis Bocakova sp. nov., L. holzschuhi Bocakova sp. nov. and L. godawarensis Bocakova sp. nov., all from Nepal, and L. yunnanensis Bocakova sp. nov. from China (Yunnan) and northern Laos. Six species are redescribed. Illustrations of diagnostic characters are included, with a checklist and a key to Lamellipalpodes species. The genus is newly recorded from China and Laos.