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Type: Article
Published: 2015-03-09
Page range: 541–560
Abstract views: 70
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East African odontopygid millipedes 4: A restricted redefinition of the genus Rhamphidarpoides Kraus, 1960, a related new genus, five new species, and notes on solenomere function (Diplopoda; Spirostreptida; Odontopygidae)

Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark.
Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark.
Odontopygidae taxonomy Rhamphidarpoides new genus new species


Based mainly on morphology of the solenomere, a restricted redefinition of the millipede genus Rhamphidarpoides Kraus, 1960, is given. R. aberdarei (Brolemann, 1920), R. aloysiisabaudiae (Silvestri, 1907), R. alticolus (Brolemann, 1920), R. austrosudanicus n.sp., (South Sudan), R. collinus n.sp., (Kenya), R. cyclopyge (Attems, 1935), R. filigerus (Attems,1938), R. kenyanus (Brolemann, 1920), R. kilimanjaronus (Attems, 1909) n. comb. ex Odontopyge, R. lobiferus (Attems, 1938), R. milobontei Pierrard, 1970, R. pectinatus n.sp., (Kenya), R. regina (Carl, 1909), and R. ruandensis Kraus, 1960, are referred to Rhamphidarpoides in the restricted sense. Raduliverpa n.gen. is described to accommodate R. serpentispina n.sp. (TYPE SPECIES; Tanzania, Kenya), R. mitis n.sp. (Tanzania). R. serrata (Kraus, 1960), n.comb. ex Rhamphidarpoides, and R. sicaria (Attems, 1935) n. comb. ex Prionopetalum. Rhamphidarpe aculeata Attems, 1938, Rhamphidarpe armata Attems, 1938, Rhamphidarpoides bidens Kraus, 1960, Rhamphidarpoides bidenticulatus Pierrard, 1970, and Odontopyge winspearei Silvestri, 1907, are excluded from Rhamphidarpoides and placed incertae sedis.