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Type: Article
Published: 2015-03-12
Page range: 151–195
Abstract views: 86
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Revision of the Recent Mediterranean species of Mitromorpha Carpenter, 1865 (Gastropoda, Conoidea, Mitromorphidae) with the description of seven new species

Largo Giuseppe Veratti, 37/D, 00146 Roma, Italy.
Dipartimento di Scienze, Università “Roma Tre”, Viale Marconi, 446, 00146 Roma, Italy.
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie ‘Charles Darwin’, La Sapienza University, Viale dell’Università 32, I-00185 Roma, Italy.
taxonomy Mitrolumna neotype lectotype new combination distribution


The Mediterranean species of the genus Mitromorpha Carpenter, 1865 as currently conceived, are herein reviewed. The genus is represented in the Mediterranean Sea by eleven species, of which seven are here described as new, all included conservatively in the subgenus Mitrolumna Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1883: Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) columbellaria (Scacchi, 1836), Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) olivoidea (Cantraine, 1835), Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) karpathoensis (Nordsieck, 1969), Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) wilhelminae (van Aartsen, Menkhorst & Gittenberger, 1984), Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) alyssae n. sp., Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) bogii n. sp., Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) cossyrae n. sp., Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) nofronii n. sp., Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) mariottinii n. sp., Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) mifsudi n. sp., and Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) tricolorata n. sp. Neotypes are designated for: Mitra columbellaria Scacchi, 1836, [currently Mitromorpha columbellaria (Scacchi, 1836) comb. nov.], and Mitrolumna algeriana Pallary, 1900 ex Monterosato ms. [currently Mitromorpha algeriana (Pallary, 1900) comb. nov.] considered as a synonym of Mitromorpha columbellaria (Scacchi, 1836). The latter is the oldest available name for the most common and widespread Mediterranean species of Mitromorpha. A lectotype is selected for Mitra leontocroma Brusina, 1866 [currently Mitromorpha leontocroma (Brusina, 1866) comb. nov.], previously considered as a junior synonym of Mitromorpha olivoidea (Cantraine, 1835) but here considered as a junior synonym of Mitromorpha columbellaria (Scacchi, 1836). Mitromorpha melitensis (Mifsud, 1993) is a synonym of Mitromorpha olivoidea (Cantraine, 1835). Mitromorpha mediterranea Mifsud, 2001 is a synonym of Mitromorpha columbellaria (Scacchi, 1836).