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Type: Article
Published: 2015-08-21
Page range: 171–197
Abstract views: 135
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New enchytraeid species (Enchytraeidae, Oligochaeta) from Korea

Department of Systematic Zoology and Ecology, Eötvös Loránd University H–1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C, Hungary.
Department of Microbiology, Eötvös Loránd University H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C, Hungary.
Department of Agricultural Biology, College of Agriculture & Life Science, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju 561-756, Korea.
Annelida Clitellata Enchytraeidae new species Fridericia Henlea Mesenchytraeus East Asia


We give descriptions of five new enchytraeid species (Enchytraeidae, Oligochaeta) from Korea: Henlea magnaampullacea sp. n., Fridericia sphaerica sp. n., F. cusanicaformis sp. n., F. granulocyta sp. n. and Mesenchytraeus calyx sp. n., with morphological and molecular (mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, nuclear histone 3 genes and nuclear ribosomal ITS region sequences) data. In total, 19 enchytraeid species belonging to seven genera have been found in the studied woodland and agronomical soil samples. Apart from the five new species, three further species are new for the Korean enchytraeid fauna, Enchytraeus christenseni, E. dichaetus, and Achaeta cf. brevivasa. Molecular taxonomical analyses show that the Korean species resembling H. ventriculosa is not identical with the European species, furthermore sequence analysis of individuals morphologically identified as F. seoraksani indicate the possibility of species-complexity and the presence of cryptic species.