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Type: Monograph
Published: 2007-07-30
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The Hemerodromiinae (Diptera: Empididae) of New Zealand  II. Chelipoda Macquart

Department of Biodiversity and Systematic Biology, National Museum Wales, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NP, United Kingdom
Diptera Empidoidea Empididae Hemerodromiinae Chelipoda New Zealand phylogeny sexual dimorphism diversity distribution behaviour ecology


The genus Chelipoda Macquart in New Zealand is revised; full descriptions and keys are provided for all 38 species and 22 new species are recognized: C. aritarita sp. n., C. atrocitas sp. n., C. australpina sp. n., C. brevipennis sp. n., C. cornigera sp. n., C. cycloseta sp. n., C. didhami sp. n., C. dominatrix sp. n., C. ferocitrix sp. n., C. fuscoptera sp. n., C. gracilis sp. n., C. lateralis sp. n., C. macrostigma sp. n., C. mediolinea sp. n., C. monorhabdos sp. n., C. puhihiroa sp. n., C. rakiuraensis sp. n., C. rangopango sp. n., C. tainuia sp. n., C. tangerina sp. n., C. ultraferox sp. n. and C. venatrix sp n. Lectotypes are designated for C. oblinita Collin and C. oblata Collin. Lectotypes and paralectotypes are designated for C. abdita Collin, C. abjecta Collin, C. consignata Collin, C. delecta Collin, C. inconspicua Collin, C. interposita Collin, C. longicornis Collin, C. moderata Collin, C. modica Collin, C. recurva Collin, C. secreta Collin and C. trepida Collin. C. recurva Collin syn. n. is designated a junior synonym of C. mirabilis Collin. A high incidence of profound sexual dimorphism is reported and structure-function relationships of exaggerated male characters are explored. Cladistic analysis resolved two clades characterised by degree of thoracic elongation, male genital flexion, fusion of cerci with epandrial lobes and shape of cell cup. It is hypothesized that one lineage gave rise to Palaearctic and Nearctic forms while the other lineage has a ‘Gondwanan’ distribution. Loss of crossvein dm-cu in Phyllodromia Zetterstedt is interpreted as a homoplasy which has occurred in both lineages of Chelipoda and of no generic significance. Relationships with other Chelipoda-like genera Ptilophyllodromia Bezzi and Monodromia Collin are discussed and current knowledge of diversity, distribution, ecology and behaviour is summarised.


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