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Published: 2007-07-30
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Annotated checklist of weevils from the Papuan region (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea)

Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota, 219 Hodson, 1980 Folwell Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 U.S.A. & The New Guinea Binatang Research Center, P. O. Box 604, Madang, Papua New Guinea
Coleoptera checklist Curculionoidea new combinations new synonymies new type-species designations Papua New Guinea Papuan region weevils West Papua


The following checklist includes 2,955 species-group names and 553 genus-group names of weevils occurring in the Papuan region. Major islands treated are: Aru, Biak, Bougainville, Manus, Mysol, New Guinea, Salawatti, Trobriand, Waigeo, Woodlark, and Yapen Islands and the islands of the Admiralty, Bismarck, d’Entrecasteaux, and Louisaide Archipelagoes. Maps of the region with historically important collection localities are provided. Entomological expeditions to the region and collections containing significant weevil material are summarized. All available family-group, genusgroup and species-group names are arranged alphabetically for all families of Curculionoidea known from the region. All currently accepted species epithet are annotated with taxonomic references, notes on published distributions, past taxonomic changes, infrasubspecific names, and species-group synonymies. The following nomenclatural changes are proposed: the monotypic genus Neplaxa Casey is a new synonym of Pantoxystus Pascoe; its type species Neplaxa illustratus Casey is a new synonym of Pantoxystus rubricollis (Boisduval). Two subgenera of Neosynaptops, Neosynaptopsis Legalov and Pseudosynaptos Legalov are new synonymies of Euops (Neosynaptops) Voss revised status. Typespecies are designated for 25 genera, changes of rank or status are proposed for 19 taxa, and 88 new combinations are listed in “Nomenclatural changes.”


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