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Type: Article
Published: 2019-09-19
Page range: 451–499
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Revision of the genus Lemula (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lepturinae)

Kamimiyada 1334-444, Miura City, Kanagawa, 238-0101 Japan.
No. 17-1, Xinglong, Donghe Township, Taitung, 95942 Taiwan, R. O. C.
Coleoptera taxonomy Pseudolemula new subgenus new species new subspecies new synonymy Japan Taiwan China


The lepturine genus Lemula Bates, 1884 of the tribe Rhagiini is revised. A new subgenus, Pseudolemula is proposed for L. viridipennis Holzschuh, 1993. Nine new species and two new subspecies are described and illustrated: L. (s. str.) aequipilosa sp. nov., L. (s. str.) nitidiuscula sp. nov., L. (s. str.) zhani sp. nov. L. (s. str.) jinfoshana sp. nov., L. (s. str.) formosana formosana sp. nov., L. (s. str.) formosana aenea subsp. nov., L. (s. str.) simillima sp. nov., L. (s. str.) holzschuhi sp. nov., L. (s. str.) shaanxiensis sp. nov., L. (s. str.) lata zhejianga subsp. nov., L. (Pseudolemula) tichyi sp. nov.. Lemula inaequalicollis Pic, 1957, Lemula densepunctata Hayashi, 1974 and Lemula obscuripennis Shimomura, 1979 are synonymized with Lemula (s. str.) testaceipennis Gressitt, 1939. Lemula longipennis Shimomura, 1979 is synonymized with L. (s. str.) cyanipennis Hayashi, 1974. Habitus and the endophallus of male genitalia of all species (excluding Pseudolemula) are illustrated. A key to the species and subspecies is provided.



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