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Type: Article
Published: 2019-09-26
Page range: 451–462
Abstract views: 140
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Asaccotrema vietnamiense n. gen.; n. sp. (Trematoda: Monorchioidea), a new aberrant representative of lissorchiid trematodes from the sidestripe rasbora, Rasbora paviana Tirant (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae), Vietnam

A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the RAS, Leninskij pr. 33, 119071, Moscow, Russia.
Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography, V. Krasnoselskaya Str. 17, 107140, Moscow, Russia. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskiye Gory 1/12, 119234, Moscow, Russia.
Platyhelminthes Digenea freshwater helminths Lissorchiidae progenetic metacercariae taxonomy


In this paper we erect Asaccotrema n. gen. of Lissorchiidae Magath, 1917 (Trematoda, Monorchioidea) and provide a description of Asaccotrema vietnamiense n. sp., that infects freshwater fish in Vietnam. The morphology of Asaccotrema n. gen. is significantly different from that of other lissorchiid genera due to the absence of the cirrus-sac, and position of the genital pore sublaterally, near the middle level of the esophagus. The male terminal genitalia are characterized by the presence of the seminal vesicle, which is surrounded by prostate gland-cells, a tubular pars prostatica and a long unarmed ejaculatory duct. The terminal portion of the cluster of prostate gland-cells, which surrounds pars prostatica and the distal end of seminal vesicle, is covered with a thin-walled open-ended membrane, and the other constituents of the male terminal genitalia are naked. Asaccotrema vietnamiense n. sp. specimens are found as progenetic metacercariae on the liver of the sidestripe rasbora, Rasbora paviana Tirant (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae). A partial sequence was obtained for the 28S rRNA gene (rDNA) of A. vietnamiense n. sp. The 28S rDNA-based phylogenetic analyses support the integration of A. vietnamiense n. sp. into the Lissorchiidae clade, which also includes Lissorchis kritskyi Barnhart & Powell, 1979 and Asymphylodora perccotti Besprozvanykh, Ermolenko & Atopkin, 2012. This is the second record of a lissorchiid species in fish in Vietnam.



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