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Type: Article
Published: 2019-10-02
Page range: 231–256
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Revision of the circumglobal genus Barathronus (Ophidiiformes, Bythitidae) with a new species from the eastern North Atlantic Ocean

Natural History Museum of Denmark, Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Pisces Teleostei Bythitidae Barathronus new species new distributions


The viviparous genus Barathronus Goode & Bean, 1886 is known from 11 species. Examination of 68 specimens, not earlier published upon, and re-examination of older material have resulted in taxonomical changes and new distributions. B. unicolor Nielsen, 1984 has become a junior synonym of B. pacificus Nielsen & Eagle, 1974, now known from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The number of specimens of B. parfaiti Vaillant, 1888 is restricted to the holotype and a specimen from off the Azores (MOM P01-0003665), often referred to B. parfaiti, represents a new species, B. roulei, herein described. B. diaphanus Brauer, 1906 is now recorded from off Madagascar eastwards to Tonga and Fiji Islands.



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