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Type: Article
Published: 2019-10-08
Page range: 286–290
Abstract views: 150
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Description of the nymph of Thraulodes sternimaculatus Lima, Mariano & Pinheiro, 2013 (Leptophlebiidae: Ephemeroptera) from Northeastern Region of Brazil

Universidade Estadual do Maranhão, Centro de Estudos Superiores de Caxias, Laboratório de Entomologia Aquática, CEP 65604-380, Caxias, MA, Brazil.
Universidade Estadual do Piauí, Campus Heróis do Jenipapo, Laboratório de Biodiversidade, CEP 64280-000, Campo Maior, PI, Brazil.
Universidade Estadual do Maranhão, Centro de Estudos Superiores de Caxias, Laboratório de Entomologia Aquática, CEP 65604-380, Caxias, MA, Brazil.
Leptophlebiidae Ephemeroptera


Thraulodes Ulmer, 1920 is one of the most abundant and widespread genera of Leptophlebiidae represented by 66 species (Barber-James et al. 2013; Gonçalves et al. 2013; Lima et al. 2013; Souto et al. 2014; Zúñiga et al. 2015; Boldrini et al. 2018; Campos & Mariano 2019). Its distribution extends from Central Argentina in the Neotropics to the Neartic Region. For Brazil, 23 species are known (Salles & Boldrini 2019), but only seven species are known from both adult and nymphal stages: T. bonito Gonçalves, Da-Silva & Nessimian; T. cochunaensis Domínguez; T. daidaleus Traver & Edmunds; T. jones Gonçalves, Da-Silva & Nessimian; T. itatiajanus Traver & Edmunds; T. schlingeri Traver & Edmunds and T. traverae Thew (Thew 1960; Traver & Edmunds 1967; Domínguez 1987; Lopes et al. 2003; Gonçalves et al. 2010; Gonçalves et al. 2013).



  1. Barber-James, H., Sartori, M., Gattolliat, J.L. & Webb, J. (2013) World checklist of freshwater Ephemeroptera species. Available from: (accessed 20 April 2019)

    Boldrini, R. & Cruz, P.V. (2013) Criação e Transporte de Ninfas de Ephemeroptera (Insecta) em Campo. EntomoBrasilis, 6 (2), 168–170.

    Boldrini, R., Dantas, H.A.T.P. & Lima, L.R.C. (2018) New species and new record of Thraulodes Ulmer, 1920(Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) from Brazil. Zootaxa, 4527 (2), 277–280.

    Campos, R. & Mariano, R. (2019) New species of Thraulodes Ulmer, 1920 (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) from Northeastern Brazil. Zootaxa, 4565 (2), 213–222.

    Domínguez, E. (1987) El género Thraulodes (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) en la República Argentina. Acta Zoologica Lilloana, 39, 47–65.

    Gonçalves, I.C., Da-Silva, E.R. & Nessimian, J.L. (2010) A new species of Thraulodes Ulmer (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) from Southeastern Brazil. Zootaxa, 2438 (1), 61–68.

    Gonçalves, I.C., Da-Silva, E.R. & Nessimian, J.L. (2013) Thraulodes bonito sp. nov. (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) from Rio de Janeiro State, Southeastern Brazil. Zootaxa, 3669 (2), 153–158.

    Lima, L.R.C., Mariano, R. & Pinheiro, U. (2013) New species for Thraulodes Ulmer, 1920 (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) and the first key to adults from Brazil. Zootaxa, 3709 (3), 230–242.

    Lopes, M.J.N., Froehlich, C.G. & Domínguez, E. (2003) Description of the larva of Thraulodes schlingeri (Ephemeroptera, Leptophlebiidae). Iheringia, Série Zoologia, Porto Alegre, 93 (2), 197–200.

    Salles, F.F. & Boldrini, R. (2019) Leptophlebiidae in Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil. PNUD. Available from: (accessed 15 April 2019)

    Souto, P.M., Da-Silva, E.R. & Nessimian, J.L. (2014) Two new species of Thraulodes Ulmer, 1920 (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) from Southeast Brazil. Zootaxa, 3760 (4), 571–578.

    Thew, T.B. (1960) Taxonomic studies on some Neotropical Leptophlebiid mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 36, 119–132.

    Traver, J.R. & Edmunds, G.F.Jr. (1967) A revision of the genus Thraulodes (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae). Miscellaneous Publications of the Entomological Society of America, 5, 349–395.

    Ulmer, G. (1920) Neue Ephemeropteren. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 85 (11), 1–80.

    Zúñiga, M.C., Molineri, C., Domínguez, E. & Cardona, W. (2015) Leptophlebiidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Gorgona Island National Park (Tropical Eastern Pacifc, Colombia) with the description of two new species. Annales de Limnologie—International Journal of Limnology, 51, 281–296.