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Type: Article
Published: 2019-10-09
Page range: 421–430
Abstract views: 128
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A new species of Aphidura Hille Ris Lambers, and additional data for Aphidura pakistanensis (Hemiptera: Aphididae) from Republic of Georgia

Institute of Zoology, Ilia State University, Giorgi Tsereteli 3, 0162 Tbilisi, Georgia.
Hemiptera Aphid Macrosiphini Dianthus Caryophyllaceae Caucasus


Apterous viviparous females of Aphidura jimoi sp. nov. living on Dianthus sp. in East Georgia, are described and differences with the most similar species of the genus—A. naimanica Kadyrbekov, 2013, are presented. Additional data are provided for apterous viviparous females of A. pakistanensis Nieto Nafría, Mier Durante & Remaudière, 2013, based on the first record from Georgia and the hitherto unknown alate viviparous females of this species are described. Updated identification keys for apterous females of all species currently included in the genus Aphidura, and for those feeding specifically on Dianthus spp. are provided.



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