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Type: Article
Published: 2019-12-04
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The lefteye flounder family Bothidae (Order Pleuronectiformes) of Taiwan

Professor emeritus, Hokkaido University, Japan.
National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium, Taiwan Institute of Marine Biology, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan
Pisces Taxonomy Ichthyology Actinopterygii Teleostei new record


The family Bothidae in Taiwan is reviewed. A total of 15 genera and 42 species are recognized. Historical records are re-evaluated and five species are recorded in Taiwan for the first time: Arnoglossus yamanakai Fukui & Ozawa, 1988, Crossorhombus valderostratus (Alcock, 1890), Parabothus polylepis (Alcock, 1889), Parabothus coarctatus (Gilbert, 1905), and Psettina variegata (Fowler, 1933). Laeops tongkongensis Chen & Weng, 1965 is recognized as a junior synonym of Laeops kitaharae Smith & Pope, 1906. Keys to genera and species, diagnostic characters, distribution and photographs are provided.



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