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Type: Monograph
Published: 2019-12-05
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Crickets of the genus Gryllus in the United States (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Gryllinae)

Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA. 94118
Department of Biology, California State University, Northridge, CA. 91330
Orthoptera cryptic species sister species parasitoids tachinid flies barcoding multilocus DNA analysis hybrid zones Acheta domesticus Gryllus bryanti Gryllus bimaculatus Gryllus locorojo


Gryllus field and wood crickets of the United States, mostly west of the Mississippi River, are reviewed and revised. We validate the following 18 Gryllus cricket names: G. armatus, G. assimilis, G. brevicaudus, G. cayensis, G. cohni, G. firmus, G. fultoni, G. integer, G. lineaticeps, G. multipulsator, G. ovisopis, G. pennsylvanicus, G. personatus, G. rubens, G. texensis, G. veletis, G. vernalis, and G. vocalis. We synonymize G. alogus under G. vocalis. We designate a lectotype for G. armatus. We describe the following 17 new Gryllus species: G. chisosensis, G. leei, G. lightfooti, G. longicercus, G. makhosica, G. montis, G. navajo, G. planeta, G. regularis, G. saxatilis, G. sotol, G. staccato, G. thinos, G. transpecos, G. veintinueve, G. veletisoides, and G. vulcanus. We present biology, distribution, and genetic analysis of all taxa and discuss their nearest relatives.



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