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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2019-12-10
Page range: 497–500
Abstract views: 120
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A new Euchalcia Hübner, [1821] from Qinghai, China (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae

Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str., 2, LT-08412, Vilnius-21, Lithuania.
Altai State University, Lenina Av. 61, RF-656049, Barnaul, Russia. National Research Tomsk State University, Lenina Av., 36, RF-634050, Tomsk, Russia.
H-2045 Törökbálint, Árpád u. 53, Hungary
Lepidoptera Noctuidae


The Palaearctic genus Euchalcia Hübner, [1821] is a member of the subfamily Plusiinae, family Noctuidae. Currently it includes 53 valid species and 6 subspecies (Ronkay et al. 2008; Volynkin et al. 2014). The E. gerda species-group includes E. gerda (Püngeler, 1907), E. caelestissima Hreblay & Ronkay, 1998, E. serraticornis Dufay, 1965 and E. bea Hreblay & Plante, 1998 (Ronkay et al. 2008). During examination of more than 80 specimens identified as E. gerda collected in several localities in the Chinese province of Qinghai and deposited in the collections of Péter Gyulai (Miskolc, Hungary), Alessandro Floriani (Milan, Italy) and World Insect Gallery (Joniškis, Lithuania), we found two strange looking specimens having more elongated forewings with a well-developed pinkish suffusion. Despite the wide range of an individual variability being characteristic for species of the E. gerda species-group, these two specimens showed morphological differences from E. gerda as well as from other related species, and thus proved to be new for science. The description of this new species is given below.


  1. Dufay, C. (1965) Revision de Plusiinae: Descriptions de nouvelles especes Asiatiques et notes synonymiques (Lep. Noctuidae). Bulletin mensuel de la Société linnéenne de Lyon, 34, 193–196. [in French]

    Hreblay, M., Ronkay, L. & Plante, J. (1998) Contribution to the Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) fauna of Tibet and the adjacent regions (II). A systematic survey of the Tibetan Noctuidae fauna based on the material of the Schäfer–expedition (1938–1939) and recent expeditions (1993–1997) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Esperiana, 6, 69–184.

    Hübner, J. (1821) Verzeichiss bekannter Schmetterlinge. Vol. 16. No publisher given, 431 pp. [in German]

    Püngeler, R. (1907) Neue palaearctische Macrolepidopteren. Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift Iris, 19, 216–226. [in German]

    Ronkay, L., Ronkay, G. & Behounek, G. (2008) Plusiinae 1. A Taxonomic Atlas of the Eurasian and North African Noctuoidea, 1, 1–342.

    Volynkin, A.V., Titov, S.V. & Ivanova, M.S. (2014) A new species of Euchalcia Hübner, [1821] from Kazakhstan (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Zootaxa, 3784 (4), 493–497.