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Published: 2019-12-18
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Paleogene Verrucidae (Cirripedia: Verrucomorpha) of North America, with descriptions of three new species

Jarreau Scientific, 6107 Prescott Road, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70805, USA
Earth & Oceanic Systems Group, RMIT University, GPO Box 2476, Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia
Crustacea Cirripedia Verrucomorpha Verruca Eocene North America


In North America, Paleogene Verrucidae are rarely encountered. Only a single named species has been previously discussed by Zullo & Baum (1979), who provisionally assigned a Palaeocene form from North Carolina to Verruca rocana Steinmann, 1921. Eocene deposits in Washington State (USA) have now yielded two new species from intertidal to shallow water environments: Verruca gailgoedertae sp. nov. from the middle Eocene Crescent/McIntosh transition zone, and Verruca sorrellae sp. nov. from the upper Eocene to lowest Oligocene Gries Ranch and basal Lincoln Creek formations. Both species are characterized by punctate shell plates, and are placed in the lineage of Verruca stroemia (O.F. Müller, 1776). In Alabama, marls from the upper Yazoo Formation (Pachuta and Shubuta Members) have yielded Verruca alabamensis sp. nov., an uncommon deeper water form associated with abundant brachiopods and phosphate deposition. This last species shows no development of punctae and is not related to the lineage that leads directly to Verruca stroemia.



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