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Type: Article
Published: 2019-12-31
Page range: 85–103
Abstract views: 99
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Ontogeny of morphological traits in Oribatella palustris Hammer, 1962, with remarks on juveniles of Oribatellidae (Acari: Oribatida)

Department of Biology, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia
Acari Oribatellidae comparative analysis morphology ontogeny juvenile instars


In this work, the larva and tritonymph of Oribatella palustris, an Antarctic and Subantarctic species of the Neotropical region are investigated along with supplementary re-description of adults. Comparative characteristics of juveniles of Oribatellidae, especially larvae and tritonymphs, are given based on this study and available literature sources; keys for identification of larvae and tritonymphs of Oribatella are also presented. Previous record of Oribatella palustris from a tropical island of Mexico is questioned.



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